Monday, May 24, 2010

12 days 'til NYC

I am, of course, very excited and pleased about the buzz this little blog is causing around the UUCS. Everyone wants to know when my trip is: June 4-6 -- twelve days 'til liftoff! The amount of energy I'm pouring into preparing is more in line with a two-month sojourn to Paris or Madrid or some other exotic overseas local. No worries though, the Universe has taken care of my urge to over pack with baggage fees! Universe is crafty that way sometimes...

I have been shopping for clothes, which, contrary to the feminine stereotype, I generally deplore. One of the first things I'd check off my wish list were I to win the lottery is 'personal shopper.' Just bring me stuff that looks good and is comfortable and spare me ever having to go to that *@#! mall again. I have been in and out of so many stores lately, mostly coming home empty- handed because I just couldn't find what I wanted; usually I don't really know what I want but figure I'll recognize it when I find it. Maybe that's an effective strategy. Maybe not.

I did find this really cool little black party dress at a consignment shop but later realized it is very hot, not in the good way but in the I'm-sweating-like-a-pig way. (And no, I'm not in menopause -- I've been a sweater all my life. Ughh!) I was going to return the dress but then decided to take it to my alterations lady just to see what she thought about possibly removing the skirt's inner lining. Before I knew what hit me, she had the scissors at it so it is mine now come what may. In the meantime, my mother-in-law, who "does" NYC every year, says people no longer dress up to go to the theater, wear jeans and such these days. Drats!

I've been shoe shopping because everyone tells me you walk a lot in New York. So I need something comfortable and cute too. In one shop, the friendly salesman said, "That's you!" with every shoe I put on and I got the feeling he'd have said the same no matter if I'd tried stilettos or waders. (BTW, an inexpensive way to aerate your lawn is to invite all your girlfriends over for line dancing on the lawn, in stilettos! But you have to limit the booze -- they have to stay upright for the trick to work!) I'm still looking for some good walking shoes. One shop had really nice shoes but I came out empty-handed with a bad case of sticker shock: $140 is NOT a sale people!

And so the saga continues...

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